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Paula Dyke (2013) TSC CD1
3s & 4s on opposite sides
1- 8
1s set advancing & turn 2H to face down & give nearer hand to 2s
(2s face up), 1s+2s set & 1s turn 2s on sides with nearer hand to
finish in line across facing down whilst 4s dance similarly with 3s to
finish facing up
All set
1s & 4s change places RH, cast behind 2s & 3s, pass partner RSh to
face corner (4M facing 2M, 4L facing 2L, 1L facing 3L, 1M facing 3M)
on the diagonal
All dance (RSh) interlocking diagonal reels of 4 to end on sides
2 4(1)(3)
All dance reels of 4 on sides, 4s & 1s giving RSh to corners, 4s & 1s
passing RSh on bar 32 to end 2 4(1)(3)
Devised by Paula Dyke in appreciation of Overseas Scottish Country Dancing Holidays arranged by Barry & Doreen
Steele with Helen Thompson.
The tune of the same name was written for Barry & Doreen by Marian Anderson who performed it for them at the
end of their last (15
) holiday in Fuerteventura in March 2013. Instructions are included within the CD by Marian
Anderson & her Band to accompany TSC Dance Book 1.