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The Sunday Class
Taught/practised on: 2012 October 7 th
THE BEJANT ROYAL (R8x48) Lewis N Derrick  St. Andrews Platinum Disc  1-2 1s set to each other  3-4 1s, giving RH, cross down to face out in 2 nd  place, 2s step up  5-6 1M casts down round 3L and finishes between 3s, all facing up, 1L casts up round 2M and finishes between 2s, all facing down  7-8 All set in lines of three  9-12 1s turn RH to face 1 st  corners (2s & 3s remain facing down and up) 13-16 1s turn 1 st  corners LH and, retaining LH with 1 st  corner, finish BtoB in the middle, 1L facing up and 1M facing down, and give RH to 1 st   corners   17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Crown Triangles, finishing with 1s retaining RH with 1 st  corners 25-32 1s turn 1 st  corner RH, partner LH, 2 nd  corner RH, partner LH to finish in the middle, 1M facing down and 1L facing up (to give LSh to 1 st   corners) 33-40 2s+1s+3s dance Reels of 3 across, 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s, 1s give LSh to 1 st  corners to begin, and 1s finish in 2 nd  place own side   41-48 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
This dance was devised in 2002 when Prince William was a Royal ‘Bejant’ at St. Andrews University – a first year under-graduate (the equivalent of a fresher at other universities). The recommended tune is The Fresh Prince!