The Sunday Class
Website designed and maintained by Microport  © 2010 -20
Taught/practised on:
2012 April 29 th
More usually written as 'Gang the same gait', it means simply, "go the same way" in both the literal and figurative senses of the expression. Milton Levy is based in Los Angeles.
GANG THE SAME GATE (S8x32) Milton Levy RSCDS Book 36  1- 8 1s cross RH & cast down to 3 rd  place, cross RH & cast up to 2 nd  place on own sides 9-16 1s set adv to partner & turn 1 st  corner 2H, face 2 nd  corner & dance ½ reel of 4 ending M between top couple facing down & L between bottom couple facing up 17-24 1s set adv to partner & turn partner’s 2 nd  corner position 2H, face own 1 st  corner positions & dance ½ reel with corners end in 2 nd  place opposite sides 25-32 2s+1s+3s Set & Link for 3, twice 25-26  All set on the sides 27-28  3L & 2M (at the left end of each line) dance (passing left shoulders) to the other end of the same line whilst the others cast to the right ¼ round the square, finishing 2L+1L+2M facing down and 3L+1M+3M facing up 29-32  Repeat bars 25-28 in lines across the set, finishing 2 1 3