The Sunday Class
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Taught/practised on:
2010 October 24 th
INCHMICKERY  (J5x32) Roy Goldring  14 Social Dances  1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s dance in & cast to 3 rd  place  9-16 1s dance RH across (Lady with 3s & Man with 4s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple 17-24 1L+2M also 1M+5L turn RH, 1L+5M also 1M+2L turn LH (1s end in 3 rd  place own side) 25-32 1s dance in & cast to 5 th  place & 5s+1s circle 4H round to right. 2 3 4 5 1 Dance notes: 17-24 Sometimes referred to as ‘turn your long corners’
Inchmickery is a small island in the Firth of Forth, about one mile north of Edinburgh. Its name comes from the Scottish Gaelic, Innis nam Bhiocaire, meaning Isle of the Vicar, implying that there may have been an old ecclesiastical or Culdee settlement here, as in nearby Inchcolm. 'Inch' (Innis) is the Gaelic word for island. Inchmickery is only 100 metres by 200 metres. During World War II the island was used as a gun emplacement. The concrete buildings were built to make the island look (from a distance at sea) like a battleship to fool the enemy during the war. Although the island is now uninhabited much of this concrete superstructure remains largely intact.